List of questions for Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate selection meetings: 

Listed below are a number of LCDPR formulated questions that we encourage all members who are passionate about drug use to ask in selection meetings for future MPs. Engaging on these issues during the selections for the Westminster, Holyrood and Cardiff politicians of the future helps keep drug policy reform on the agenda. It also ensures that PPCs know that their constituents care about how drugs affect society, both locally and nationally. 

  • Do you support a public health-based approach to drug use, moving away from a punishment-based model?

  • Do you think the ‘war on drugs’ has failed, and how would you like to see our drug laws changed?

  • Do you support the expansion of police schemes that divert people found in personal possession of drugs out of the criminal justice system, given the overwhelming evidence that this reduces the harms and costs of drugs, both for individuals and for society as a whole?

  • Would you fight in Parliament alongside colleagues, as part of the Labour Campaign for Drug Policy Reform, for much needed reform to our drug laws?

  • Do you support the expansion of harm reduction measures, such as drug checking services and overdose prevention centres, that aim to reduce drug-related deaths?